f you are wondering how to find motivation for change...
This challenge comes down to the core of it all: Fostering self love.
What does this mean?
💛What is keeping you from change?
💛What identity of yourself are you holding on to?
💛What part of that self identity you might have to let go of when you pursue new changes?
💛What narrative are you telling yourself that you can't change?
💛If you were your own best friend, would you be complacent or encourage yourself to reach for your goals?
These are tough questions, but as a wellness educator I cannot answer them for you or for any of my clients.
But because I believe you can change, and you deserve the health and goals you dream of, I am asking those of you, who have struggled to see real results and lasting changes to take a deeper look.
Sign-up for my "Getting the Boss Back in your Boss Girl Life" (www.thefitmed.com) to help you reflect on this. This guide will help you:
1. dive in and take an inventory of your strengths
2. your sources of happiness and fulfillment
3. what may be distracting you from pursuing what makes you happy
4. how to prioritize your time to align with your goals
5. how to protect your environment from negative influences and relationships
6. what good nutrition means and can do for your health and fitness goals
7. what physical activities and having a fitness routine can do for your determination and mindset